We love our volunteers!  The first step to volunteering is submitting an application through the Keller Independent School District.  KISD must approve your application before you can begin to volunteer.  

Please ​fill out your volunteer background check for this school year! 

To be eligible to volunteer on any of the KISD campuses, this process is completed each school year.

Are you interested in helping in the classroom or going on field trips, helping with PTA events, becoming a WATCH DOG (dads) volunteer? If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the above questions, you must complete a Criminal History Background check. KISD appreciates the valuable time you donate to building brighter futures for our students.


After you submit your background check, join our Eagle Ridge VIP (Volunteer Involvement Group) on Facebook! 


You can also contact our Volunteer Chair and let's find something that you LOVE!

volunteers@erepta.org - we have lots of ways to help!